FAQs page is many Frequently Asked Questions. Many of you ask us same questions repeatedly through WhatsApp or Telegram. Here in this page, we are going to publish those questions with answers. So that, you can use our website and YouTube channel smoothly.
Q 1 : Where can I get this chapter or this questions?
= Many of you ask me to provide answers of those chapters which are already uploaded in the website. In this case, I would suggest you to type the chapter name or the question in the Search Box of our website.
Q 2 : How to get solution of new chapter ?
= If the solutions of the book or the chapter is really not in our website, then please send the cover picture of the book via WhatsApp or Telegram. So that we can order the book and buy it. Then gradually we will keep uploading all the solutions of the book. If you need the solution of particular chapter urgently, then please send clear picture of the chapter i.e. text along with exercise via WhatsApp or Telegram. We will upload the solution as soon as possible.